It’s been a fun and productive year gardening in our new raised bed gardens. Check it out!
Building Raised Bed Gardens Part 4: Adding Branches, Cardboard, Cow Manure, Compost, and Soil
In this video series I’ll be building some raised bed gardens at our new home.
We’ll tackle step four in this video as we add branches, cardboard, cow manure, compost, and soil to our garden beds so they are ready to plant next spring!
Building Raised Bed Gardens Part 3: Prepping the Space and Placing the Raised Beds
In this video series I’ll be building some raised bed gardens at our new home.
We’ll tackle step three in this video as we prepare the space and place the raised beds where we want them.
Building Raised Bed Gardens Part 2: Making Corner Posts & Connecting the Pieces
In this video series I’ll be building some raised bed gardens at our new home.
We’ll tackle step two in this video as we cut out the corner posts and assemble all the pieces so far.
Building Raised Bed Gardens Part 1: Building the Frames
In this video series I’ll be building some raised bed gardens at our new home.
We’ll tackle step one in this video as we cut out the lumber and assemble the frames.
Urban Gardening 2019 Season | Grow Your Own Food!
Happy Memorial Day Weekend! It’s time to get the plants in the ground for the 2019 growing season.
How to Grow Beans | Calypso Bean Harvest
It’s time to harvest our calypso beans!
Raised Bed Gardening – Eight Weeks After Planting Seeds – So Many Bell Peppers
We have soooooo many bell peppers!! This is the best part of gardening. “Free” food for days! I love eating the pea pods right off the vine. MMMMMMM MMMMMM
Raised Bed Gardening – Four Weeks After Planting Seeds – First Harvest
If I just looked at these plants, I wouldn’t believe it has only been one month since they were little seed specs in the palm of my hand, but I assure it is the truth! Gardening is endlessly magical to me. Thanks for watching. Let me know what you think of these videos and please share your gardening stories in the comments below. I’d love to hear form you 🙂
Raised Bed Gardening – Three Weeks After Planting Seeds – DIY Organic
It’s been three weeks since we tossed some seeds in the ground. Watching a tiny spec turn into a huge and beautiful plant and then ultimately a ton of food will never stop being amazing and magical to me. Thanks for stopping by 🙂