It’s time to harvest our calypso beans!
Giant Puffball Mushroom Pizza!
Who ever said there was no such thing as a free lunch?? We found a giant puffball mushroom in our backyard and made a pizza crust out of it!
Epic Chainsaw Time-lapse PLUS Hawk Rescue!
It is time! We have a lot of chainsawing to do. Why not do it in time-lapse?
Raised Bed Gardening – Eight Weeks After Planting Seeds – So Many Bell Peppers
We have soooooo many bell peppers!! This is the best part of gardening. “Free” food for days! I love eating the pea pods right off the vine. MMMMMMM MMMMMM
Raised Bed Gardening – Four Weeks After Planting Seeds – First Harvest
If I just looked at these plants, I wouldn’t believe it has only been one month since they were little seed specs in the palm of my hand, but I assure it is the truth! Gardening is endlessly magical to me. Thanks for watching. Let me know what you think of these videos and please share your gardening stories in the comments below. I’d love to hear form you 🙂
Raised Bed Gardening – Three Weeks After Planting Seeds – DIY Organic
It’s been three weeks since we tossed some seeds in the ground. Watching a tiny spec turn into a huge and beautiful plant and then ultimately a ton of food will never stop being amazing and magical to me. Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Grow More Potatoes – Adding the 2nd Layer to the Potato Boxes
Our potato plants are growing so fast! It’s already time to add more layers to our potato boxes.
Raised Bed Gardening – Two Weeks After Planting Seeds – Hail Storm!
The garden is continuing to grow beautifully in spite of the most recent CRAZY HAIL STORM!! June 11th…Welcome to Minnesota 🙂
Any advice on how to protect plants from storm damage??
Raised Bed Gardening – One Week After Planting Seeds
We sowed the seeds on Sunday, May 28th. This footage was shot one week later on Sunday, June 4th. Growing food from seed to harvest is endlessly rewarding to me. Check back soon for more updates!
Grow More Potatoes – How to Build A Potato Grow Box From Scrap Lumber – DIY Organic
Learn how to build your own potato grow box to get a massive yield on a frugal budget. We’re building two of these because I believe you can never have too many potatoes!!